Wednesday, 23 January 2013

DDoS (denial-of-service attacks)

Distributed Denial of Service is a type of DoS attack. It is a new type of computer crime which makes a machine or network resource not available to its intend users. A DoS attack can also disruption of configuration information, disruption of physical network components and also state information (

The most common DDoS attack appears in online game application.  Many game players have been attack by DDoS. Sometime, they lose important matches because of DDoS and lose their rating or rank. According to MMA-Champion, DDoS attack is mainly target your IP-address and disrupt every information that connect to the IP-address and also ICMP flooding via ping requests, it is very difficult to defend against a DDoS attack,but there are some solution to prevent DDoS:
·         An effective defense against an HTTP flood can be the deployment of a reverse proxy
·         Update gateway, servers, switches and firewall would protect from DDoS attack
·         Change IP-address
·         Use IP agent to transfer IP-address to different country such as Lowerping, Wowtunnel

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